Greyhound rescue groups began to spring up around the country. They did, and still do, as much as possible but it's virtually impossible to save every dog. The count I've read was that 16 States still allow Greyhound racing, (, although I have seen the figure at 15 States elsewhere.
Let's get our facts straight about these lovely creatures. They are Sighthounds. They hunt by sight, going after moving prey. Running is natural for them and they enjoy it but Greyhound Racing is something else. It is pure exploitation and not every dog is meant to race. Those who lose, because it's a money-making venture, are disposed of as quickly as possible. The ones trained on a live lure are less likely to be rescued and adopted because you simply cannot trust them around the family cat or small dog. That's both nature and nurture.
Why are people still making money from this alleged "sport?" Why are companion animals - and all dogs and cats are certainly companion animals -- considered "Livestock" in most Midwest States? Where is their protection from abuse? How can animal cruelty laws be passed in any place that considers a pet "livestock?" This is beyond an archaic attitude. Laws need to be changed by those living in States where dogs and cats are designated as "livestock" and they need to start campaigning now. Rescue Groups are trying but they need more help. Don't just sit there and say that "someone else" will do it. Each of us is "someone else."
Contact your local rescue group and find out how you can get involved in changing legislation. It's not just the Greyhounds who are at stake here. It's every dog and cat. Abuse of animals is the precursor to abuse of people. I'm not making that up. Go and investigate for yourself. Read the published literature. If you don't care about animals, hopefully, you care about people. If we cannot do something to animal abusers to stop them, how can we hope to stop them from escalating into abusers of people? When is enough, enough? When will people be motivated enough to stand up, be counted, and work for change?