Be very careful of fleas and ticks. Go over your pet daily and have your veterinarian show you how to safely remove ticks so the head it's left in the pet's body. Be sure you vacuum your house and every place your pet sits or sleep. Wash bedding and toys and check for flea eggs - those dark spots on your pet's skin. There are various safe treatments for fleas on your pet. Again, talk to your veterinarian. Some of the products you can buy over the counter or via e-mail can be poisonous to your pet and that is not anything you want to try!
On very hot days, your car can heat up like an oven. Even if it's only in the low 70s your car can quickly turn lethal even with the windows cracked open. To prove this to yourself, put a chocolate bar on your dashboard and see how long it takes for the candy to melt. Your pet can die of heatstroke. Please leave your pet at home while you run errands. If you're on the road traveling, either pack a meal or use a drive-through window. Don't leave your pet unattended.
Walk your dog in the early morning and late afternoon. The hours between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. are when it is hottest. Avoid walking your dog during that time and don't ever put a pet out in the heat! It's dangerous. If your dog begins to show signs of heatstroke turn fans on him and dunk him in a cold bath to try to bring down his temperature and then rush him to your veterinarian for emergency treatment. This is no time to let your cat go outdoors into a cat enclosure. It's just as dangerous for kitty.
Don't walk your dog on pavement or hot top or tar. The rule of thumb is that if it's too hot for the palm of your hand, it's too hot for the pads of your pet's paws. And tar or hot top can adhere to your pet's paws in the heat because it melts. That's dangerous. Don't try to peel it off because you'll peel off the pads of the paws at the same time!! You can put some petroleum jelly on it but best to go to your veterinarian. Better yet, don't expose your pet to that in the first place.
No matter where you go, your pet should be protected by proper identification in case he gets lost. Dogs and cats have been known to bolt out of cars at rest stops and finding them again can be extremely difficult. You should always travel with recent pictures of your pet in case you have to make posters or show the picture at shelters and veterinary hospitals. And you should have the name of a veterinarian in the place to which you're going. But you will also need identification for your pet! I prefer two forms, a microchip that can be read and reunite you with your pet (don't forget to register it!), and an i.d. tag. You can have an extra tag made up if you are, for example, going away for a week or more and have the address of the place where you'll be staying so your pet can be returned to you there.
You can have your pet microchipped at your veterinarian's office. If he or she doesn't do it you can be referred to someone who does. Identification tags can be purchased in many places including veterinary hospitals and pet supply stores. However, if you would like a nice one that's absolutely free, you can take advantage of this offer from Just4MyPet makes a silver tag available free of charge, with no charge for the engraving. Follow this link to the tag offer:

Have fun with your pets and keep everyone safe!
NOTE: I am not paid by I am simply supplying information for my readers if they want a free tag from that company.
The photos of pets with pet tags were provided by
Once again, Darlene Arden's blog shows her commitment to the Human/Animal Bond. She has laid out quite specifically what precautions and procedures we as pet owners need to follow for the up most safety of our animals. Excellent advice here and I encourage all to read and follow it.
Thank you very much, rescuegal. I appreciate it.
I've never thought about the time that I walk my dogs before. That's a great point. Excellent article on summer pet safety. Thank you!
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