Monday, May 26, 2008

A Little Child Shall Lead Them

When most of us were eleven years old we were playing with dolls and riding bikes. Well, times have changed. Young Mimi Ausland of Bend, Oregon, now twelve, began a project to feed hungry shelter dogs when she was just eleven. She started a website for the express purpose of advancing this idea. The site has many sponsors and she is partnering with to help further her dream.

Starting at her local Humane Society of Central Oregon Shelter, she plans to expand the program one shelter at a time.

So far more than 300,000 pieces of kibble have been donated.

People from all over the world can surf to her website, answer a Bow Wow Trivia Question each day, and for each question answered correctly 10 pieces of kibble are provided to the shelter. Here's the link if you'd like to check it out:

And once again, a little child shall lead them.

We hear so much about the bad things kids do. It's nice to hear about the good things for a change.

1 comment:

Lakelandmom said...

I just came across this girl's incredible project nearly a year after you posted this and was so impressed I too am touting her success!