Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Fuzzy and the Pogo Plush Toy

As promised a few weeks ago, from time to time we will be reviewing products from PetSafe.  The reviews will pop up periodically.  This time we're talking about one of their Pogo Plush Toys.  

This is what the toy looked like in its packaging when I sent it  to  CA

Predicting who would be the best toy tester is a challenge.  In this case, I opted to send the toy to Southern California to my friend, Gary Rohde, who adopted Fuzzy, a mixed breed dog, from a local shelter.  Fuzzy is an enthusiastic dog who adores toys.  He's so enthusiastic that darned few toys will hold up to Fuzzy's, uh, scrutiny.  

This line of toys has movable squeakers, that sort of float through the toy. It's also a soft, plush toy. Perhaps not the best option for an enthusiastic chewer.  Time would tell.
The ladybug  toy came out of the envelope, the wrapping was removed and it was given over to its new owner.
Fuzzy and His Ladybug ToyA
Fuzzy immediately took possession of the toy. There's nothing Fuzzy likes quite as much as a new toy, He greets each one with enthusiasm. As you can see, this toy was no exception.

Ladybug's AntennaeWere Soon Separated from the toy

According to Gary, Fuzzy's owners, the "ears" lasted all of ten minutes before Fuzzy was able to separate them from the toy. "He loves it!!! But the ear was very easy to chew through."  Frankly,  I thought that was predictible but the rest of the toy held up much better than expected. Fuzzy enjoys chewing it, playing fetch with it and generally treating it as if it were a really tough toy. So far, so good.

And for those of you who like a little action with your reviews, here is a video Gary took of Fuzzy not only chewing the toy but if you wait long enough you'll see him playing fetch with it.  

NOTE:  PetSafe provided the Toy for review but there was no compensation for this review. All reviews on PerPETuallySpeaking are objective.

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